India's one of the largest mobile network Vodafone is all set to launch its ultra-low price phone. Vodafone announced two such phones called "Vodaphone 150" and "Vodaphone 250" in Feb. This mobile is reported to cost for just Rs.600 and Rs. 700. The phone has 1.0” monochrome graphic display, polyphonic ringtones, alarm, torch, calculator and also a mini USB connector. The battery life is claimed to be 400hours on standby and gives 5hours talk time.
The two devices are almost similar in features, the main differences between them being that the Vodafone 250's screen is both color and slightly larger, and it has an FM radio.
While the war between the various Indian mobile companies like Micromax, Maxx, Karbonn and Videocon goes on, it seems that Vodaphone will be the clear winner when it comes to the low cost handset.
Vodaphone also had earlier announced to make a customized Opera Mini browser that would run on 2G networks.
India is the second-largest mobile phone user with over 900 million users in the world. Still the companies like Vodaphone want to tap even more people with this kind of low cost handset.
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